Twenty Third Student Council Investiture

Written by mark chan.
Credits to berlin for the pictures.

The leaders of the school, and probably the future leaders of our nation, the student council has always been the place where people look to in finding individuals who exemplify leadership qualities at their best. In the eyes of the student population, getting into the Student Council is somewhat a prestige in the school, but this usually comes with a price – student councillors have to serve their term with commitment in their duties to plan events, carry them out and to lead the school. And for the Twenty Second Student Council, lead the school they did.

Sitting on the stage and waiting to be called, I began to look around me at the faces with which I’ve spent a year with. As a part of the twenty second Student Council, looking back at the times we shared together is certainly nostalgic. How could it not be? Though there were trying times that we had to endure together, I am certain that all of us undoubtedly tasted the fruits of our labour when we saw the friends that the juniors have made during orientation, or the music that we helped to promote through Songfest. These examples are just a part of a huge roster of which people have already begun to hail as the twenty second council’s legacy.

But what people fail to see is that all 50 of us who invested into council are actually human and in being human, we all make mistakes. What the school normally see are just the events that take place and with this, they normally make their judgment on the council, on how successful we are, or simply how well we cope. There have definitely been times when certain outcomes are not as we wish them to be and people have been quick to criticize. But rarely do we see the people behind it all.

The student council is not just an organization or a room where ideas simply appear out of nowhere, we are the people that you see everyday, going into lectures and tutorials with you and leading out our lives just like you. No, in fact, we are more than that. We are your friends – the people whom you hang out with and whom you felt were capable to fight for the interests of the students. Having spent enough time in the council, I would say that nothing is as easy as it seems. We do not just say that we want better toilets and it would be done. We have to draft out proposals, and find ways to convince the school to find funding to do it all – the processes of which seem never-ending. To the new batch of students, I beseech you to go easy on the 23rd, for things never do work out the way we want them to. We all try, and all we should really ask is that the council gives its best.

‘It is now time for Daniel, the President of the 22nd Student Council to hand over the mace to Nathan, the President of the 23rd Student Council.’ the emcee said, as I watched Daniel approach the side of the stage and walk up that small flight of stairs. The handing over of the mace from Daniel to Nathan marks the end of our time as councillors and the beginning for the fledglings to make their mark. As all the 22nd councillors would agree, the 23rd councillors have shown potential. Although we come from different batches, we are bonded by the very fact of our swearing in as councillors. Experience will come with time, but sheer hard work and commitment is needed to develop the potential in you and also to carry out your duties with zeal and fervour.

The 23rd Student Council chose the word ‘Candeo’ as the theme for their investiture. The word itself means ‘to shine’ in Latin. And shine you will, 23rd, shine you will.

Thanks for the memories, 22nd.
Forever council is what we’ll always be.

And to the 23rd, do the school proud.

Do us all proud.


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