A Good Way For Students To Enrich Their Vocabularies

Sometimes it is just too cumbersome for us students to bring along our paper flash cards wherever we go. We are required to memorize new words and other important definitions in order to enrich our vocabularies and do well in our examinations.

However, the disadvantage of having paper flash cards is that once lost, we will have no choice but to rewrite the entire content on a fresh piece. Furthermore, it can be quite tedious to rearrange them once we (inadvertently) mix them up.

Well, fret no further now that we have Quizlet! Quizlet was created by Andrew Sutherland back in October 2005 (I know...it took me three years to finally find it!) when he was just 15 years old. His mission is to make learning vocabulary not a chore. His start-up was designed so that students can effectively absorb new words into their vocabularies.

So how does Quizlet work?

Members create a new set of words, including their definitions. Then, they will familiarize and learn the words. Next, they can take a short test to make sure they truly understand the meaning of the words. And finally, users can take part in word games such as Scatter and Space Race to test how fast they are able to connect or match the words with their definitions.

So what are waiting for? Try it out now!
Click HERE.


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