A Year In Review: Tpjcbitchh07? What? Who?

Tpjcbitchh07 was a short-lived blog that became famous by -you guessed it- bitching about other students in college. The blog specifically targetted a group of Tpjcians who -you guessed it again- fired it back every time a new issue was published.

I received news about the existence of the online tabloid magazine through my sources. They also gave me information about the victims who were criticized heavily in the blog, notably Alicia and Xiao Tian. Tpjcbitchh07 did not catch my attention at first as all the matters raised by its anonymous writer were none of my business.

However, when news broke out that the blog closed down abruptly, I began to wonder what happened to it and who was the person behind it. I received many rumours from various sources on what really happened to the author of the blog that forced him or her to close it.

One source alerted me that the writer was finally discovered and subsequently coerced to shut the blog down. The source also notified me that the author was actually a friend of the victims since he knew a lot about them. Another source told me that the writer decided to close the blog when he realized that the blog was gaining too much popularity. The source added that in one of the blog posts, the writer did mention that his blog was experiencing a surge in traffic.

Which version is true, I do not know. Whatever it is, Tpjcbitchh07 definitely created chaos among its targetted victims. Most importantly, it showed how fast gossips can travel around now, thanks to the birth of the Internet. Blogs are easily accessible - anyone can read it anywhere and anytime he wants.

As for Tpjcbitchh07, everything about it still remains a mystery...


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